The Unbound Writer's Club

Episode 171: Introducing The Abundant Author

Nicola Humber Episode 171

In this episode of the Unbound Writer’s Club, Nicola begins a mini-series where she dives into the “Abundant Author” – what it means to be a writer who is truly abundant in all the ways, and why it’s a critical piece of the puzzle. 

Nicola invites you to see the bigger picture and recognise that book sales are the very tip of the iceberg. 

Her next book, The Abundant Author, is due out in October.

In this Episode:

  • Creating and running a business in an unbound way
  • Your book is just the beginning
  • Everything changes as you write your book, but often not in the ways you expect
  • How can you allow your book to be a seed for what wants to come next?
  • The Abundant Author Activation – a new and free online course (link below)
  • Activating abundance and a deeper connection with your community
  • Embodiment, intention and visibility
  • Creating a compelling offer that feels amazing for you and your people

Links Mentioned:

Want to carve out time for your writing? Join The Unbound Writer's Club Membership

Ready to commit to your book and complete it over the next 12 months? Join the Birth Your Transformational Book group programme

Find out more about our Done-For-You Publishing Packages at The Unbound Press

Want to get a taste of the Unbound Writing community? Join Nicola's free ‘Get Book Ready’ Facebook Group

The Abundant Author Activation – a free three-day online training for magical beings who have written a book (or are in the process of doing so)

Book a chat with Nicola here.

Connect with Nicola on Instagram, and The UNBOUND Press on Instagram or Facebook.

Music Credit: Joseph McDade

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